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I Miss You…

I really miss you. But time so hard to find, been so busy for the past years and months ago. So serious of putting a business with my partners. Being a single mom need to work hard for the future of my children and for me as well. For now let me take an opportunity to advertise my humble beginnings of being a business woman. It’s so hard but trying my very best to be a successful one on what I’m doing now. Please visit our website www.sarri.com.ph.
Thank you so much for being so patiently waited for years for my long lost thoughts. I’m still here… Thank you again.

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sam 12-07-07 (Sat) 18:08

wow long time no see… how are you today?
i really miss you.
i want to tell u something.
take good care. have a nice day.

Home > Uncategorized > I Miss You…