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My Wisdom In Life…

Not all people who believes in you loves you…sometimes those who doesn’t believes in you will love you.
In love it’s not a matter of until when it will last, what matter is to think the love you have now because we only lived ones, choose the right and worthy of your love…
If you love someone don’t waste time when your together. Loving someone is the most wonderful thing in life.
Be contented of what you have…fight for your love and don’t let anyone get it.

Trust and understanding not doubt…heart is only one, love ones…and only one…
Fight for it…give up if needed…don’t waste your time to someone who doesn’t love you, instead…
Wait for the right time and the right person for you…Learn your mistakes in life don’t let it hurt you again.

LOVE, RESPECT and TRUST. Let it show and feel it first to yourself before others.
Its easy to love…hard to forget…show who you are and what you have because in love…wealth is not needed. There will come a time that someone you love will leave you for the better! it hurts but learn to let go…think our mistakes, look back from the past…why we’re left alone…

Many things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they’re right…and so better things can feel together and…sometimes good things fall apart. People change so that you can learn to let go.
You believe lies so you can eventually learn to trust no one but yourself.

Don’t worry about loss. everything happens for a reason. God never takes away anything unless He knows what’s best for you…

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Comments (Close):2

mochini 10-08-11 (Wed) 5:30

stay cool my friend…

Malou 10-08-11 (Wed) 23:36

Hello Mochini

I’m okay my friend, thanks!

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